Short Forewords

We offer a privacy-first API reverse proxy that allows secure connections to any software without risking data leaks. You can now focus on building your own products on top of any powerful generative AI tool (or else), without the worry of data privacy and compliance.

Fast, Reliable, Secure

At heart of Filtro stands an extremely powerful detection engine, designed by top engineers and scientists previously at Oracle, Amazon, IBM, MIT and more. Our sophisticated system is able to analyze, detect, and classify dozen of PII entities in a matter of milliseconds.

Our model achieves unmatched accuracy performance on European languages while remaining blazingly fast and lightweight, with a very small memory and energy footprint. We also support a wide range of file types and are compatible with most modern frameworks.

Beyond performance metrics, we place security and reliability at the forefront of our priorities. We crafted our systems to be resilient, robust and secure from the ground up. We commit to zero compromises when it comes to your privacy and data sovereignty.

Explore Filtro Services

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Portable by Design

Our services (except Enteprise Shield) are instantly accessible through cloud-hosted solution, for fast, easy and flexible operation. Yet, we offer to ship our technology in a single lightweight container for On-Prem deployments. So that you get your own Enteprise API endpoint.

All computations happen indoors, under your complete control.

Use cases