All services are Cloud-hosted. Yet we offer On-Prem Hosting for data-critic Enterprises.

BigLLMs Issues

As an Individual (you and me) or Enterpise Employee, you can get tremendous advantages using Chatbots served by BigLLMs companies. They can help you speed up your daily work, rephrase an email to your boss, parse information and much more.

The downside is that they have plain access to whatever you write in their chatbox. Even if you’d trust BigLLMs on not reading your conversations, your data is not in a safe place. They store hundreds of messages of yours, leaving your sensitive data wide open to the world.

We keep a list of BigLLMs policies with regards to their data privacy and compliance.

Available Browsers

Installation Guide

  • Add to Browser: Click cards to install your preferred Filtro Browser Extension
  • Activate: Request your extension key on our Platform and switch on the privacy layer
  • Browse Securely: Enjoy enhanced privacy without compromising on user experience

Collective Privacy

Your own privacy is your personal choice, yet we believe it is important to educate people about Collective Privacy. They way we interact with online systems is changing completely with the rise of LLMs. We input extremely high volumes of sensitive data, without even noticing.

You maybe fine having your name, email, physical address, sexual orientation, religion, thoughts and many more online. But your friends, family and colleague might care a lot. We believe that whatever you decide to do with yours, you should be careful and protect data of others.

This Extension also helps you to prevent leaking sensitive information from others.

Read more about why you should also care about your Privacy