LLMs Regime

Your own privacy is your personal choice, yet we believe it is important to educate people about Collective Privacy. The way we interact with online systems is changing completely with the rise of LLMs. We input extremely high volumes of sensitive data, without even noticing.

We interact a lot more than we used to. We ask sensitive questions, input critical information, providing unrestricted access to names, addresses, political opinions, and the list goes on. And sometimes, we also input information related to other people, without their consent.

Collective Privacy

You maybe fine having your name, email, physical address, sexual orientation, religion, thoughts and many more online. But your friends, family and colleague might care a lot. We believe that whatever you decide to do with yours, you should be careful and protect data of others.

Data Auction Sales

Your personal information, things like your name, email address, browsing history, location, purchase history etc. is very valuable to companies. They can use it to target ads, sell your data, or even steal your identity. Once your data is out there, you lose control of it.

Tip of the Iceberg

Targeted ads are just the visible byproduct of the vast amount of data collected about you. More concerning is how your data could be used by employers, insurers, governments or criminals for judging, discrimination or identity theft. Data collection runs rampant.

You have Options

While total avoidance of data sharing may be hard today, steps exist to minimize needless exposure. Enable privacy settings on devices and apps. Use private browsing modes and anti-tracking tools. Consider privacy-focused services that filter and protect your information.

Towards Privacy

Make Privacy a regular and strong habit of yours. Use encrypted connections, strong unique passwords, and trusted VPNs. Read privacy policies closely before signing up for services. Opt out of unnecessary data sharing when possible. Your privacy is worth the effort to protect.